
Yung Gravy Explains His MILF Obsession on the VMAs Red Carpet

The hottest name in rap is also the best topping for a plate of warm mashed potatoes. Yung Gravy talks about his love of MILFs on the VMAs red carpet. If any of that made sense to you, consider yourself cursed.

First things first, who the hell is Yung Gravy? We aren't quite sure, but we think he's a rapper. Question two: Who's mom did he take to the VMAs? That would be the mother of TikTok influencer Addison Rae.

Yung Gravy has risen to fame through TikTok, like most idolized teenage celebs these days, when one of his songs became a viral sound. But he's since transcended his 15-minutes and has seemingly solidified himself as a popular icon for kids today.

Besides his music, Gravy is best known for his love of MILFs, which is apparent in his relationship with Addison Rae's mom, who he was filmed kissing on the red carpet. And ET was lucky enough to stop him on the red carpet and ask the burning question we've all wanted answered. Where did your love of MILFs come from Mr. Gravy?

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