
'You’ve Had Them Long Enough': Gym Karen Steals Woman’s Dumbbell Mid-Workout

The gymfluencer Kylen Suttner was busy minding her own business at the gym, when a Karen decided that her free weight time was over.

Filming people at the gym has been a controversial subject of late, but in this case Kylen can be glad she did. As she finishes a set of curls, a mystery hand reaches in and grabs the dumbbell. "I've been waiting for these for a really long time," the person says. Who knows what she plans to do with a single dumbbell.

"I would make a huge scene," one person says. "I ain't nobody letting take my stuff like that." Other people felt that perhaps the Karen might have a point. "Some people are at the gym to make videos, others are there to actually work out." Either way, wait your turn, go do another work out, or find a way to work out privately if you have a problem with waiting.

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