YouTube's Creepiest Chiropractor is Also a Total Fraud

If you've ever been down the wild rabbit hole of YouTube Chiropractors, chances are you've come across Advanced Chiropractic Relief LLC. Located in Houston Texas, Dr. Gregory Johnson runs a fairly successful YouTube channel showcasing his work as a chiropractor. He has apparently developed his own technique which he calls the 'ring-dinger.'

The technique begins with patients placed on their back and secured at the hips with two foam rollers before Dr, Johnson wraps a towel around their necks and tries his best to remove their heads.

And if that wasn't enough for some, because clearly, people are visiting his clinic in search of this type of procedure, you have a pretty high chance, if you're a woman, of being in one of his videos. This video in question here was titled, "Yoga Pants & 1st Time Ring-Dinger'. Lmao!

I wonder who the audience for this ungodly content is? Like is it a pregame you-know-what, or could this be considered smut to someone with a bone-cracking fetish? We have more questions than answers.

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