
'It's a Prank Bro': YouTuber Gets What's Coming To Him After Messing With Wrong Dude

The YouTuber Kanel Joseph gets whats coming to him after trying to steal a man's luggage for a video.

Joseph, who has over a million subscribers on YouTube, makes videos for "people who aren't sensitive," including plenty of 'pranks.' In this case, Joseph encounters a man who is less than pleased with his antics, and decides to fight back. Grabbing Joseph by the hair, it takes assistance from airport security and Joseph's camera man to stop the altercation. The man then aggressively pursues the camera man before being taken down and arrested by security.

While this man's violent response is absolutely unacceptable, it's naive to stage a prank video of this sort and not expect some extreme reactions. Especially at the airport. Joseph claims that he went to the hospital for his head, but chose not to press charges against the man. You can see the final product of his video here.

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