
‘You’re Gonna Be in a Hospital If You Don’t Get Outta Here’: Old Man Breaks Stranger’s Windows with Tire Iron

Apparently being a dirty old fart gives you the right to bash people's windows in.

It's hard to tell what actually triggered this altercation aside from the fact that the driver was literally just parked on the side of the road 'close' to the old man's property. I'm genuinely confused, but based on what happens in the video this is some 'old man yelling at cloud'/'Get off my lawn' bullshit.

The funniest part has to be the old man IMMEDIATELY giving his name to the victim. He's so proud of his goddamn name that he even repeats it. Bro, give a fake name. Do something! Alas he'll most likely be charged as the driver also snags the old man's license plate before driving away. What goes around comes around, ya old bitch.

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