
'You Won’t Piss': Giants Fan Rises to the Occasion and Pisses His Pants

As someone who documents the feral atmosphere surrounding Philadelphia sporting events, Eagles fan Crossing Broad is no stranger to witnessing wild fan behavior. But even he is surprised by this crazy Giants fan who pisses himself on the spot for the camera. Now that's dedication to the bit.

Before the game even begins, these Giants fans are beyond wasted, and the guy in question has already had a little accident. "Giants fans are already scared, they're pissing themselves," Crossing Broad teases. "You won't piss," he prods the fan. Much to his surprise, this guy isn't backing down from a challenge, and releases his bladder for all to see, with his buddies chanting "piss, piss!"

Not only did this Giants fan endure a resounding 38-7 defeat, but he did so while sitting in a golden puddle of his own creation. I wouldn't want to be the fan sitting next to him when it was all over.

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