
Turkish Oil Wrestling is the Only Sport Where Sticking Your Hands Down Your Opponent's Pants is Good Strategy

Imagine your girlfriend walking in on this. Turkish oil wrestling is a sport where two men, who are of course covered in oil (how else are you going to do it?), wear shorts and wrestle. These matches can last hours, only ending once one wrestler has managed to get the other flat on their back.

The best way to do this, it turns out, is by sticking your hand up their pants. As explained by Hoo, “Opponents will attempt to try and stick their hands inside the other's kispet to gain leverage, to grab hold of the cuffs below the knees. However, as per the rules, one must avoid opponents' genitalia.” Thank goodness for that.

So if you ever need to get out of a sticky situation, just say you were engaging in a time-honored tradition. I’m sure that will quickly put an end to all questions.


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