
‘Wonderwall’ Came on at the Restaurant Where Its Songwriter Was Dining, the Rest Is History

He asked the person to stop filming, they said maybe.

Imagine being an iconic songwriter. Okay. Now imagine writing a song that was then taken and turned into a college frat boy anthem, memed beyond all reason, and basically became a pop culture parody of itself. Still with us?

That exact scenario happened to Oasis singer/songwriter, Noel Gallagher. Noel was having what seemed like a pleasant meal with his family, when "all of a sudden", "out of nowhere" his hit song comes on over the speakers.

Let's be real, someone knew he was there. So like a scene out of a Disney sing-along, the ENTIRE RESTAURANT began singing those iconic lyrics. "I said maybe...you're gonna be the one that saves me..."

Yes, save me. From this absolutely disastrous situation I'm now in. To Noel's credit, he sits awkwardly as if someone had started singing happy birthday at a funeral. Servers are clapping, people are filming. So for any wannabe singer/songwriters out there. Just be careful what you wish for. This is your future.

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