
Woman With World’s Largest Mouth Tries to Eat a Massive Soft Pretzel in a Single Bite

Sam Ramsdell holds the Guinness World Record for the largest mouth, and recently met her match in the form of a giant soft pretzel.

The singer and comedian turned world record holder, claimed her record in 2021, and often posts videos on TikTok showing off her unique feature. A frequent traveler and food sampler, people love to see what delicacy she can shove in her mouth next. Conquering burgers, fries, and regional favorites, it would seem that Sam has met her match with this giant soft pretzel. In an attempt to fit the entire thing in her mouth, her effort is incredibly impressive, although ultimately unsuccessful.

Turning something she says was an insecurity of hers in her youth into part of her persona is an awesome flip of the script.

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