
Woman Whose Dad Was Killed on 9/11 Says She Keeps Getting Targeted Ads for Funny 9/11 Shirts

She doesn’t find two sticks of lasagna being hit by a plane-shaped Garfield “funny,” she says.

For many young people, 9/11 is more of a meme than an actual thing that happened. Of course, their lives were deeply impacted by the event just like everyone else, but given that many don’t have conscious memory of it happening, their frame of reference for the day is less “tragedy” and more “it’s the reason why TSA has the right to put their fist in your ass.”

Consequently, it’s at least a little understandable why Gen Z might view the events of the day with the same level of ironic detachment that they do everything else. The family of the people who actually died, however, don’t feel the same way.

As recently shared by New York’s News 12, a Long Island woman became distraught after seeing an Etsy ad depicting a Garfield-themed 9/11. Of course, she clicked on it to investigate — and that led to even more “humorous” 9/11 products.

Let’s just hope she doesn’t see the memes!

Categories: Facepalm News

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