
Woman Who Thinks She's a Dog Just Wants to Be a Good Girl

What causes someone to have a fetish where they try to behave like a dog in order to gain a TikTok audience? Some scientists believe it is the complete lack of a brain. Others say it stems from having no friends as a kid.

Whatever the reason is for this delusional woman, she's out here living her truth so we gotta respect that. Congratulations for finally achieving your dream.

As disturbing as these videos are, they can't compare to the kinds of antics this couple gets into when they're feeling romantic. Maybe they have an OnlyFans account for that? Yeah, they probably do.

The next time you see a dog, just be glad it's actually a dog and not an insane person pretending to be a dog.

Be a good boy, Fido, and click here for more exceptional content.

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