
Woman Who Did the ‘Chase Glitch’ Says She’s in Legal Trouble, Is Posting Through the Pain

Remember last week when TikTokers learned what check fraud was, called it a “glitch,” then proceeded to unload thousands of dollars from Chase ATMs?

Well, surprise surprise, their illegal actions are coming back to bite them in the behind.

To give a brief refresher, there was a trend online last week in which people advertised a “glitch” present in Chase ATMs. This “glitch” was actually just check kiting, where you write a bad check, deposit it, then withdraw the money before the check has been validated. Yes, it’s illegal, and yes, it’s one of the most traceable crimes on planet Earth.

It’s no surprise, then, that some of these people are being caught. One TikToker says that their partner did the glitch and got arrested, and now, she’s posting through the pain to figure out what went wrong.

Like with all things on the internet, it’s really unclear if this is real or not, but it sure is entertaining to watch.


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