
Woman Terrorizes Mother With Her 'During Church' and 'After Church' Looks

Krystal Stanley loves to terrorize her mother with her outgoing personality and shameless jokes. After attending church on Easter Sunday, Krystal decided to engage in one such joke by showing her mother her pre and post service look. "During church," she says with her shirt buttoned all the way up. "After church" she says, thrusting out her chest and undoing the top button of her shirt before bursting out in hysterical laughter. 

"Momma was not as impressed as some of us," one person commented. "You can tell mom has had years of your nonsense," another person said. "You’re not wrong lol," Krystal responded. The TikTok now has 3 million views, and fans can't help but love Krystal's attitude. "There is something about legitimate, uncontrolled laughter that is absolutely contagious," one viewer complimented. "Except for mom, in this case." Of course there's another reason people love Krystal's after church look. As this person commented, "Found the Easter eggs."


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