
Woman Steals Almost $1 Million to Try to Become a TikTok Influencer

I can think of some pretty stupid ways to waste a million dollars, but this has to be amongst the dumbest.

According to prosecutors, Stacy Blackmon is a woman who really, really wanted to be a TikTok star. There were just two problems: 1) She didn’t have talent; and 2) she didn’t have money.

As this was TikTok, the first wasn’t going to pose a major issue. The second, however, would surely stand in the way of TikTok success. How was she supposed to build a following without access to her parents’ credit cards?

Well, she decided that she was going to steal it. Lifting over a million dollars, she proceeded to spend the majority of that money donating to TikTok streams like this and this, where actual influencers would shout out her name as a thank you for her tips. Prosecutors believe that she was doing this to try to build up her own following.

How well did that work?

Her TikTok account was suspended, and she just began a 35-year prison sentence. She should’ve just learned to dance.


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