
Karen Accuses Delivery Man of Stealing Her Package

This Karen is aggressively accusing a delivery man of stealing her package. Despite his assertion that he did not, she is beyond the point of reason, and her screams reverberate throughout the empty hallway.

This Karen seems to think that since an empty package was delivered to her, the delivery man must have stolen its contents. The package may never have been empty however, as she is screaming about a lost mala necklace, while wearing one around her neck. Unless she ordered a second necklace, this whole ruckus may be over a piece of jewelry she's wearing. Despite the efforts of one building staff member to calm her down, it takes the emergence of a second woman to put this Karen in her place.

Thankfully, this no nonsense woman drives off the Karen and allows the delivery man to leave in peace. Had she not come, the Karen might still be shouting.
Categories: Facepalm Fail Karens

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