
Woman Shows Off Disgusting $200 Michelin Star Meal

Would you pay $230 per person for this?

If you’ve ever seen Chef’s Table, or if you’re a Mr. Moneybags who can afford to go to a Michelin-starred restaurant yourself, you probably know that the experience is fairly different from your local Applebee’s. Many of these places offer a premade “Chef’s Menu,” where you’re taken on a culinary journey full of tiny plates until your wallet has been fully drained of its contents.

While the hope with places like these is that the food is good, that isn’t always the case. This woman went to a two Michelin-starred restaurant and had one of the most bizarre meals I’ve ever laid my eyes on, including piles of mulch claiming to be food and a dish that had to be sucked out of a fake belly button.

If you’re in Spain, stay away from Mugaritz — then again, if you can afford that sort of thing, you might get suckered into it regardless


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