
Woman Says a Demon Told Her The World Will End in May 2025

Well, it was nice knowing you.

Ever since man developed thought, we’ve had the knowledge that one day, all of this, will be gone.

Many have debated when that day would come. Some have even taken their own lives in anticipation of such a moment. However, they really shouldn’t have — not because doing so is stupid, but because the *real* end of days is yet to come. Specifically, according to this TikToker, it’ll be here around the end of May. Sorry if you had plans for later this year!

Yes, according to this woman, she, along with her husband, has been speaking with a spirit called Seven using a Oujia board for over 10 years. The “spirit” (definitely not her husband messing with her) has sent a variety of messages in multiple languages that neither person in the couple speaks, with the most significant one mentioning that something dramatic will happen at the end of May.

Her note-keeping is pretty intense for me to think this is all one big bit, but still, I can’t say I buy it.

Tags: wow funny wtf

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