
Woman Orders 1/4lb of Cheese From Walmart, Gets Sent 30 Pounds and Charged $500 Instead

TikTok user courtneydeemss thought she made a normal order for a quarter pound of cheese from Walmart. Instead of getting that, she found herself with 30 pounds of it, and 500 dollars charged to her.

You might think that someone would double check an order for 500 pounds worth of cheese, but that's the nature of a big business like Walmart. Now, Courtney says she has to come in and return the cheese in person. Some comments indicate that this is not an isolated problem. One man says, "I ordered a half pound of sliced deli turkey. They literally sent me the ENTIRE thing, unsliced, still shrink wrapped." Another person says, "I had the reverse happen! I ordered a pound of carrots. I got one sad small lonely carrot."

Walmart may need to start adjusting its online ordering strategy, or its inventory might start looking pretty strange.

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