
Woman On Slots Hot Streak Refuses to Leave Her Seat and Pisses Her Pants

Don't mess with lady luck! Especially when you're on a heater.

I've been to my fair share of casinos, and based on my experience there are typically no lack of restrooms. Now that being said, I am one of the most superstitious people alive. From wearing certain jerseys on Sundays to what underwear I put on in the morning, so I totally get it. We can only assume this woman was tearing up the machine and was in no way shape or form giving it up.

That would be enough for me. But I'll go further and say I've never been to Las Vegas. So maybe someone can confirm, is this a Vegas thing? Are the restrooms scarce? Say what you want about New Jersey, but in Atlantic City, the bathrooms come early and often.

I wish nothing but the best for this woman.

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