
Woman Making Fun Series About Her ‘Haunted’ House May Have Found Dead Bodies in Her Backyard

This is why you don’t mess around with spirits!

Most of the time, if you think your house is haunted, you’re dealing with either a gas leak or an undiagnosed medical condition. That said, sometimes, there’s just something about a place or a situation that gives you a negative feeling that you just can’t shake.

This woman claims that she had such a feeling about her home and, feeling that something was amiss in the backyard, began to dig. Cut to several days later, and cadaver dogs have signaled that there might be a dead body in her backyard.

That might explain the bad vibes!

She now says that, at the time of writing, nothing has been found in the hole. Maybe the spirits are just waiting until Halloween to reveal themselves!

Categories: Creepy Sports> Extreme

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