
Woman Hospitalized After Eating 32 Individual Rolls of Sushi

If you've ever been to a sushi buffet, you know you get charged extra for all your uneaten sushi. And while this isn't the situation Danielle Shapiro found herself in, she did eat more sushi in one sitting than 99% of us have ever attempted.

In a video posted to her TikTok, Danielle chronicles her journey to extract as much value from her $50 all-you-can-eat sushi buffet tab a possible. And while she did just that, she also landed herself in the hospital, clearly showing her inability to stop once she got going. Something we can relate to.

And according to the NyPost her meal consisted of, "miso soup, four gyozas, and jalapeño poppers - eight green dragon rolls - eight snow rolls - eight California rolls, eight wakame rolls and a helping of edamame."
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Tags: sushi wow wtf

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