
Woman Dumped Mid-Flight Has to Be Consoled by Flight Attendants

This woman was removed from an American Airlines flight after having an intense emotional breakdown following the boarding process. She was allegedly broken up with soon after sitting down on the plane. Some comments claim that the couple were on their honeymoon.

Many viewers took the obvious route of criticizing her outburst. "Why would he ever break up with her?" One comment asks sarcastically. "He should have texted her from the bathroom with the door securely locked and just sat there," says another. Still, there may be more than meets the eye. His decision to break the news right then and there is odd, especially considering the possibility that he'd have to sit next to her for the entire flight. It is also a common abusive tactic to break emotionally distressing news in situations where it is not possible to have an appropriate reaction. This frames the victim as the "crazy person," something that has certainly happened here.

There is simply not enough information to place concrete blame on any party involved in this video. Still, I wouldn't have wanted to be a passenger on that flight.

Categories: Wow Sports> Extreme

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