
Woman Documents the Lazy Things Her Boyfriend Does, But People Argue She's to Blame

As part of her "Lazy sh*t my boyfriend does" series, former Love Island Australia contestant Francoise Draschler made a TikTok showcasing small household tasks that her boyfriend neglects. From failing to change a toilet paper roll, to incorrectly loading the dishwasher, her boyfriend has a ways to go if he wants to meet her household cleanliness standards.

Many woman immediately understood Francoise's frustrations. "Red flag! You aren’t his mother - he is suppose to be an equal partner," one person commented. "And they wonder why we aren’t jumping on top of them all the time," said another. However, many people were on the boyfriend's side, especially considering he has ADHD. "He’s tired of being nagged all the damn time," somebody responded. "I have ADHD and this is how I am. It’s not on purpose! If I don’t concentrate really hard then I don’t even realize I’m leaving stuff lying around."

Despite the disagreement in the comments, it doesn't seem like the Australian couple takes things so seriously. In a subsequent TikTok, they appear to joke about the video. That is, as long as he doesn't leave too many things out.

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