
Wives Buy All of Their Husbands Dissolvable Swim Trunks, and They All Fall For It

Wives buying their husbands clothing has been an internet trend for some time now, (and a real-world trend too, let's be honest). Initially, groups of spouses were buying their men the same shirt, and tricking them all into wearing it for the same function; making them look identical. In this case, however, the wives have stepped the prank up a notch.

Parading to the pool like middle schoolers in a conga line, it's obvious that most of these husbands don't do a lot of the thinking for themselves in their relationships. Thus, when their wives ask them all to go into the pool, they do so gleefully and without question. You'd think one of them would have realized something was up. "Love that they think the prank is that they match," one comment says. With how comfortable they are around each other, at least it doesn't seem like they'll mind seeing a little more of their friends than they bargained for.
Categories: Ftw Funny> Pranks

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