
Courtroom Struggles to Keep it Together as Remote Witness Vapes and Drives While Being Questioned

Celebrity court cases and trials are often high-profile events, typically covered by the news nationwide depending on the circumstances and context of the proceedings. In the age of Covid, many of these proceedings are held remotely via video calls using something like zoom, skype, or similar video conferencing tools. Sometimes due to the location of the proceedings or where a witness is located, their testimonies are either done in this fashion or pre-recorded and later shown to the court.

During the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard defamation trial on Wednesday, April 27th, 2022, a pre-recorded deposition of Alejandro Romero who was a remote witness was played in court. During his testimony, Romero was seen vaping and began to drive while answering questions in regards to the case for the court. Johnny Depp and other members of the court struggled to maintain their composure, some even laughing as they watched Romero casually hit his vape pen while cruising around town in his car.

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