
Will Smith Breaks Silence on Chris Rock Altercation

Will Smith finally breaks his silence.

Four months after one of the most bizarre Oscar moments we've ever seen, actor Will Smith finally issues an apology video to comedian, Chris Rock.

For those who may have been in a coma or live under a rock, this year's Academy Awards featured the slap heard 'round the world. Will Smith slapped the ever-loving life out of Chris Rock. It wasn't staged or scripted. Rock made an alopecia joke directed at Will's wife, Jada Pinkett Smith and the rest is history.

After Smith was banned from the Oscars and any Academy events for the next decade, he decided now was a good time to apologize. The video is somewhat cryptic, as he's just kind of riffing. He apologizes to Chris Rock, but then also says he's, "Trying not to think of himself as a piece of shit."

He wraps everything up by stating that he hopes one day the two can be friends again. I guess time will tell.

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