
Mouthy Brat Learns You Shouldn't Piss off the Person in Charge of Your Jail Time

Going to court, especially for criminal charges can be a scary and uncertain ordeal. Luckily for the first-timers out there, this young lady gave a perfect example of what NOT to do.

18-year-old Penelope Soto taught an important lesson to millions of young Americans when she was called before a Florida judge yesterday on a drug possession charge. Soto laughed when the judge asked if she had consumed any drugs in the last 24 hours and then said "adios" after he set her bail at $5,000. She stopped laughing when he asked her to return and raised the bond to $10,000.

At that point, Soto apparently gave the judge the finger and shouted an expletive at him. He then asked Soto point blank, "Did you say 'f**k me'?" When she said indeed she did, he found her in criminal contempt of court and sentenced her to 30 days in county jail.

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