
People Struggle to Name a Single American Band

Musician and comedian Kaye Loggins, @TimeWharp on Twitter, took to the streets of NYC recently to conduct a social experiment. By asking the question “What’s the greatest American band of all time?”, Kaye reveals that Americans have no clue.

According to these patriots, the best American bands are The Beatles or The Rolling Stones a close second. That’s great - except if you do a little research, you might be able to figure out that those bands are from England.

The video is a masterclass in simplicity. Such an insanely easy question that’s just a matter of opinion. It reminds us of the famous Miss Teen USA Q&A fail, in that, it reminds us Americans are insanely dumb.

Twitter is reacting with their own answers, which range from Wu-Tang to Velvet Underground to the Grateful Dead. A contender could be Kaye Loggins herself who just released a new album, but she’s not a band. Disqualified - sorry. Papa Roach is probably the best answer given. A true American group.
Categories: Wow
Tags: wow cringe fail

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