
‘Wheel of Fortune’ Contestant Painfully Fails to Answer Nearly Complete Puzzle

The 'Wheel of Fortune' contestant Khushi made an unfortunate blunder on the final letter of a puzzle, missing out on $600, and a vacation to the island of Antigua. An audible, "What?" from an audience member says all you need to know about the size of her mistake.

Sitting on a completed puzzle with the exception of one letter, Khushi decides to spin and guess a letter on, "Fre_h Tropical Fruit." Much to the dismay of everybody watching, she guesses the letter "G." You can tell she is quite unsure of her guess, but the pressure of the show forces her into it. "When that happens and you're sitting at home, you might say, 'how in the world?'" host Pat Sajak says, trying to explain how a mistake like that can happen. "Sometimes there's a word that just doesn't want to come into focus for you." Fortunately for the next player, Juliana, the puzzle and prize were there for the taking.
Categories: Wtf Facepalm Wow Fail

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