
Wendy Williams Serves up a Combo Burp-Fart to Her Audience

Wendy Williams is known for ripping massive beefers on the air, but adding a burp as a prelude to the crop duster is really taking her performance to the next level.

She deserves a Daytime Emmy for her on-air flatulence.

Wendy Williams is no longer on the air but that doesn't mean we're going to let her live down this epic video of her burp fart double whammy. It's perfect. We have no notes, except that we wish she had burped and farted continuously for over an hour and that the audience had to be evacuated for their own safety. Now that would be cool.

A guy can dream can't he.

There are few talk show hosts with a catalog of as many weird and wtf videos as Wendy Williams and because of this we are sad she is no longer on the air.

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