
'We'll Take the Call In Cell 103': Amazon's Prison Office Is the Perfect Metaphor People Struggling to Find Work-Life Balance

Amazon Web Services may have opened its offices in Haarlem, Netherlands in 2022, but the internet has just seen inside the remodeled prison for the first time and people are feeling secondhand shock. 

The AWS office is in the Prison de Koepel and though the prison sports high walls and a bright floor plan, the use of old jail cells as company conference rooms doesn't sit right with people. 

Many people who have felt "stuck in their jobs" took to the comments to roast this prison-to-office "glow-up." The only thing that. could make going into the office on a Monday worse, is going to an office that used to be a prison. 

"The jokes write themselves" one Twitter user adds in the comments. "All fun & games until the head of software engineering shanks you with a sharpened USB" jokes another. 

But hey, at least your company is located in a former prison, even though on Monday mornings it might feel like. 

Categories: Facepalm Wow

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