
Welcome to 2025: The Dancing Plague is Back

So… this year’s gonna be bad too, huh?

Back in 1518, a dancing plague hit the town of Strasbourg in modern day France. This involved people dancing for no reason until they (allegedly) died, though the deaths are still a hotly debated issue.

Critics looking at the situation now speculate that this plague was the result of either food poisoning, mass hysteria or both. Critics looking at the modern dancing plague in Uganda say — wait a minute, it’s happening again?

Well, apparently, yes. According to Business Insider Africa, a rousing bout of something called “Dinga Dinga” has hit the country. Symptoms of the illness include fever and excessive body shaking, which can be seen in videos of people dealing with the illness.

Thankfully, it seems to mostly just go away by itself after a week and, in instances where it doesn’t, it can be treated with antibiotics. Still, very, very bizarre.


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