
We Just Had Our First VR Court Case

Is this good? I have no idea.

Courts systems have always faced a major limitation: You kinda just gotta trust people. This is a problem because people 1) lie; and 2) are piss poor at remembering things.

Many attempts have been made to mitigate these two issues over the years, such as the introduction of DNA and video evidence. However, DNA isn’t always accurate and videos can be deceptive — so what are we supposed to do?

Enter VR. While the aforementioned limitations are certainly present in VR (anything built in VR based on previous testimony is obviously going to be influenced by that testimony), it can provide a judge working on a case a first-person perspective on what exactly one side says happened.

This was always a theoretical use for virtual reality — until now, where a judge allowed it to be used in a Florida court case (and produced some pretty wild visuals in the process).

Categories: Wow People & Lifestyle
Tags: court wow court wow

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