
The Time 44 People Were Injured after Wave Machine Malfunctioned Creating a "Tsunami" in the Wave Pool

A 10-foot wave came crashing through a wave pool after the machine malfunctioned, injuring 40+ people.

The incident took place at the popular summer tourist resort Shuiyun Water Park on July 29th. A spokesperson for the water park said in a statement: "It was caused by a mechanical fault. Only around 10 people were injured". Officials, however, then said around 44 people were injured, with three still being kept in hospital with broken bones and serious cuts and injuries.

The park is based in the Yulong Bay Scenic Area, which opened in 2015. The wave pool has been shut by authorities for inspection. A twitter user uploaded a clip of the incident claiming that the "wave machine operator got drunk and turned the machine to it's maximum setting".

No deaths have been reported.

Categories: Wow
Tags: tsunami

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