
Watch ‘Shark Tank’s Mr. Wonderful Suck Shit at Every Single Instrument

Guitar, drums, investments — is there anything this man *can* do?

Ah, Mr. Wonderful — the most annoying of all the Sharks. For those who aren’t aware, Kevin O’Leary is a man who made his millions basically being at the right place at the right time.

He co-founded a software company, then began performing hostile takeovers of other software companies at a time when it was really profitable to do so. This all culminated with his company being bought by Mattel, which earned him millions of dollars. Sure, Mattel lost millions on the deal and it ended up being a terrible investment, but what does he care — he already made the money!

In the years since, he’s gone on to a) give himself the nickname Mr. Wonderful; and b) be a very vocal dumbass. He’s also, for some reason, posted a few videos of himself playing instruments to the internet, and he’s bad in basically every single one of them.

Check them out for yourself!

Categories: Facepalm Celebs Music

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