
Watch People ‘Get High’ on Frog Venom

If you take any recreational drug thinking, “this will fix me,” you’re sure to have a bad time.

Tripping on a foreign substance can do wonders for your psyche. It can also, if you’re not careful, completely destroy your brain. That’s why many experts say that you should be in a good place mentally before engaging with any of these substances.

“Trying to get your startup off the ground” isn’t one of those good mental places, but that doesn’t stop the folks of Silicon Valley from heading down to South America to experience “kambo therapy,” where you ingest frog poison until you throw up.

Before you ask, no, it doesn’t really get you high; those who claim that are attempting to describe the feeling you get after puking your guts out. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If I’m going to throw up my past three meals, I’d rather have a good time in the moments leading up to it, not ingest a frog poison that could literally kill me.

Someone pass the Jose Cuervo — I’m trying to meet God!


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