
Germany’s NFL Analysts Demonstrate 'Der Tush-Push,' With No Shortage of Tush Appreciation

What’s going on over there?

In much of the world, being a sports commentator means getting a little bit heated. As evidenced by Stephen A. Smith’s many rants about everything from Pokémon to the movie Cars, people in the U.S. and elsewhere get pretty passionate about anything even remotely related to sports, even when they shouldn’t.

Over in Germany, however, their passion is a bit more subdued, probably because we all get a bit nervous whenever a German seems fanatical about something. While this is understandable, it can lead to some pretty odd moments, such as this clip from a German sports show in which they explain the American Football concept of the “tush-push,” describing it as a “Wucht von hinten,” or “force from behind.”

Your phrasing could be better, but sure, why not.


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