
Guy Sets Up A Trap and Gets An Entire Indian Scam Call Center Arrested On Their CCTV

This is one where you can really sit back and enjoy. Youtuber, Scambaiter, sets up a brilliant trap to catch an entire call center and you get to watch the entire thing through their CCTV in Punjab, India.

This specific scam was pretending to be Geek Squad and charging $250 for a supposedly award winning anti-virus software called "NSA 2600".

While gain full access to the scammers computers, network, and files, Scambaiter even shares thier revenue of over $107k in under 4 months.

Watch as Scambaiter disables their phone services, deletes all of their "customer" data, and reports them to the police, all while watching them with their own security cameras.

According to Truecaller, 31% of Americans report being a victim to phone scams and 19% on more than one occasion. The average person in 2021 lost $502 (up from $351 the previous year). It's estimated that in 2021 nearly $29.8 billion dollars was lost to phone scams.
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