
Fake 'War Hero' Bought Her Medals on the Internet

Stolen valor is the act of pretending to be a military personnel when you are in fact not one, or making false claims or falsifying details about combat tours or awards and medals one received during their service. Taking credit for something you didn't do is already bad enough in itself, but when you make those claims about things where people are killed or seriously injured (often for the rest of their lives) it is even beyond despicable. These people seem to want all the recognition and glory for brave actions without any of the effort or risk associated with earning them.

As Sarah Jane Cavanaugh tells it, she earned a Purple Heart “for actions in Afghanistan,” and a bronze star with a “V” for valor. From handing out awards to acting as master of ceremonies, she certainly seemed like a true war hero. But there’s one small problem: the Marines told Inside Edition there’s no record of her serving in the military at all, let alone earning all those medals.
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Tags: war hero her online

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