
Want an Easy $10K? Just Beat Australia’s Raygun in Dancing

Earlier this year, we all had a lot of fun laughing at the Australian breakdancer Rachel Gunn, also known as Raygun. The reason for our laughter was simple: she wasn’t very good at dancing.

At least, that’s what everyone who saw her thought. If you were to ask her, she’s still the best female breakdancer in Australia, which, if it’s true, is a point of shame against the entire nation.

If you’re one of the multiple billions of people who (probably rightfully) believe you can dance better than her, you can now put that idea to the test, as she’s challenging random people on the internet to a dance competition. The winner gets $10,000. Given the standard she’s set, it will probably be some of the easiest money of your life.

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Categories: Facepalm Sports

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