
Walmart Pulls Dancing Cactus That Sings About Cocaine and Swears in Polish

A Polish grandmother living in Ontario, Canada was recently shocked to learn that the $29 dancing cactus toy that sings in English, Spanish, and Polish as a teaching tool for toddlers, was singing about cocaine addiction and depression in her native tongue.

The song in question is “Where Is The White Eel” by Polish rap artist Cypis.

Here’s a taste of the lyrics being taught to children:

“The only thing in my head / Is five grams of cocaine, fly away alone / To the edge of oblivion / I have thoughts in my head / When will all this end / Whenever I'm not alone / Because a white eel will fly in".

Cypis said the Chinese manufacturer of the toy used his music without his permission and is now intending to pursue legal action.
Others spotted the same issue with the toy and took to Twitter.


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