
Walmart Employee Nola Gifted $110K After Viral TikTok

Sometimes you find that there are genuinely good people in the world.

After TikTok user Devan Bonagura posted a video of a woman named Nola taking a break from her shift at Walmart, the internet responded in the best way. It's obvious that Nola is elderly and in a perfect world, she should be retired by now.

So Devan took it up himself to set up a GoFundMe for Nola. What started as a goal of $10,000 on the site, reached nearly $120K. The account was then transferred to Nola's name.

So what's she going to do now? Nola stated, "I'd still have to work until I get the other $60,000 to pay off the house... It won't take long now." What a trooper.


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