
'Wait till You See Who These Fans Are Arguing With': Euro Football Fans Get Into Screaming Match With a Child

Beefing with kids is insane behavior, and knowing how to get under the skin of middle-aged soccer fans is a skill most people will never learn. 

However, one young Leicester fan was filmed taunting two older Stoke City fans in Leicester's 2-0 route of Stoke City this past Saturday, holding up a 1-0 taunt in their direction. 

Their faces are priceless. Glaring into the sun, neck veins pumped, you know if they could, they'd challenge this little s–t to a tussle right then and there, but sadly for them, beating up children isn't just frowned upon, it's illegal. 

But taunting drunk Stoke fans, that's just good hooliganism. And this kid is a legend for turning these pale punks into red-faced memes for our enjoyment. 

No matter how bad NFL fans get, no matter how many fights we see, or how loud Raider Nation screams in their opposing team's fans' faces, we've never seen something quite like this. 

Bravo kid, bravo. 


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