
'Shapeshifter' Shows What She Looks Like With and Without Makeup

In a recent viral TikTok receiving over 12 milion views, a woman shows off her new stunning look with the caption "Wow you're so pretty". Then the video cuts to the same woman but without makeup on, joking "that ain't me".

Julia Grandoni often jokes about the extreme differences between the fake reality of social media and real-life appearances. In her recent viral TikTok she is seen with sleek dark hair, makeup, and a little black dress. However, the next frame jump cuts to Grandoni laughing without all the glam, sporting a double chin, mouthing "that just ain't me" to the camera.

One comment said, "I’m literally obsessed with this trend. We’re actually shape shifters."

One man commented saying, "Thanks for doing this it reminds me that my trust issues are right," after feeling tricked by the video.

"ain't no way that's the same person," another said.

Gotta love social media for creating such impossible beauty standards that one video of a woman comparing herself without makeup causes such a viral uproar.

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