
Video Crossing the Kansas Colorado Boarder on I-70 Shows Shocking Difference in Road Quality

This video shows a man driving back from his grandson's graduation along I-70, on a path that takes him from Kansas into his home state of Colorado. In Kansas, it is quite apparent that the road is in good condition, and the man confirms as much in his narration. But as he drives under an overpass, and goes by the "Welcome to Colorado" sign, the road changes immediately and drastically.

Visible unevenness leads to understandable camera shaking, and it is quite apparent that this change in road quality is no coincidence to the border crossing. After the Facebook video went viral, Colorado released a statement claiming that this section of road was now under review, and that a plan to improve it was in the conceptual phase. Whether or not they follow through with that plan remains to be seen, and the man is skeptical. And the question remains, how much of Colorado's road system is like this?
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