
Decapitated Snake Tries to Eat Itself

Snakes are creepy as hell, and stumbling across an aggressive one is no laughing matter. But judging by this video of a decapitated venomous rattlesnake biting the crap out of its headless body, stumbling across a dead one is pretty dangerous too. 

"Bro got a wireless connection," @TNGraFix joked on YouTube

As you can see in this video of cut-up snake chunks slithering while sizzling on a grill, snakes will engage in involuntary posthumous movement for extended periods of time after their deaths. Their reflexes will also remain intact for hours, as evidenced by the rattlesnake. 

"As if they weren’t scary enough already," @CommanderKilroy commented. 

Fortunately, although the snake's head and body are reacting to stimuli, it is braindead, and therefore incapable of experiencing any conscious pain. Still, it might be useful to know that even a headless snake can still bite the crap out of you. 


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