
Van Gogh Soup Protester Explains Her Actions

Last week, climate protestors for Just Stop Oil made headlines across the world when they threw tomato soup on Van Gogh's famous 'Sunflower' painting in London. The action certainly garnered the attention the group was looking for, although it was met with harsh criticism, even from many who agree with the fundamental principles the group is fighting for.

One of the protestors, Phoebe Plummer, explained her actions after appearing in court. She states that there was absolutely no damage done to the painting, and that the group knew it was covered in glass before executing the stunt. She also says the soup was quickly cleaned off with some paper towels and there was just minimal damage to the frame. Plummer goes on to justify her actions by saying that civil protests like this one have been responsible for change across history, and her goal of creating instant discussion has worked in the urgent battle against climate change. Others argue that actions like this one alienate necessary allies in the political fight. All protestors were released on bail after their court session.

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