
Drunk Utah Cop Causes Crash, Then Crushes Legs of Victim

A drunk Utah police officer, Thomas Caygle rear-ended a couple at a stop light and their fender bender quickly turned for the worse.

Driving a Dodge Ram 1500, the off-duty cop slams into the back of the couple's Ford Fusion. Once they pull over to the side of the road and start conversing, things take an aggressive turn. When the boyfriend goes to assess the damage to his trunk, Caygle accelerates and pins the man between the two cars. Stuck there for 35 seconds, it is his distraught girlfriend who eventually pulls their car forward and saves him. "Any longer, and I would have lost my legs," he says.

When the police arrive, they converse calmly with Caygle before taking him to the station, where he can be seen lamenting his upcoming consequences. “I put so much f***ing time and effort into my career and then something stupid like this is more than likely going to f*** me,” he says. Caygle is currently on administrative leave.

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