
Stunned Skier Records Two National Guard 'Blackhawks' Crashing During Training Exercise

There were no reported injuries from the two downed helicopters, and National Guard officials say a "quick reaction and training" prevented any deaths. The official Twitter account of the Utah National Guard tweeted, "we can confirm that two Utah National Guard UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters were involved in a training accident at approx. 9:30 a.m. near Mineral Basin. No crew members were injured in the accident. Both UH-60s were damaged. The incident is under investigation."

The helicopters were conducting "routine survivability and mobility mountain training," and were attempting to land in an approved National Guard training zone. That's according to National Guard spokesman Jared Jones.

On the one hand you might think 100-yards from a ski lift is an odd location to hold such a drill, but when you crash land, having a ski lift nearby is pretty handy.

But hey, don't let us stop you from theorizing.
Categories: Wow Fail

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