
US Media Can't Hide Their Desire For a No-Fly Zone in Ukraine

Umm, can you guess what the establishment media wants to see happen in Ukraine? Not a single question about peace talks, but instead question after question about why the US doesn't want to escalate the situation any further.

The video was produced by The Intercept and shows just how hungry the US mainstream media is for further escalation in Ukraine.

While this isn't a statement on whether a no-fly zone should or shouldn't be installed over Ukraine, it is a sad depiction of the state of mind of many American journalists.

No questions about peace talks. No questions about the path to de-escalation, just four minutes of reporters asking, rather pleading with the White House to up the ante.

We can only hope, for the sake of everyone involved, that those making these complicated decisions aren't as hungry for more war. But hey don't take it from us, just watch the video.
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